ABN Application Authorisation June 30, 2019by Proven Accountants ABN APPLICATION AUTHORISATION First Name* Last Name* Date of Birth*(in DD/MM/YYYY) Tax File Number* Email* Telephone/ Mobile* Postal Address* Post Code ABN Occupation* ABN Registration Date* GST Registration Required Other details (if any) ID DOCUMENTS* - Driving License, Passport, etc DECLARATION: "I hereby authorise Proven Associated Services Pty Ltd & Mr Aman Nagpal T/A Proven Accountants, Tax agents to add me in their tax portal, apply for their ABN Registration and/or GST Registration, represent me before various organisations and to provide Accounting & tax services including lodgement of Business Activity Statements, tax returns and other documents required by tax office & other departments (based on information provided by me) from time to time." Authorisation approval provided * "Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"